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song of the month

6 Jul

pelita kemuning kita
dikala diusainya senja

semilir meniup sukma
semoga tersalinkan rasa

meluruhkan gulita
kelabu segera berganti


Lyric aboveĀ  from Katjie & Piering mini album, Kinanti.

Saya lagi suka-sukanya sama lagu mereka. Modest, etnic and sophisticated at the same time. Totally in love!!!

moonlight and his smile =)

5 Jul

Destiny, here I am
Giving all my day, I never felt so in love before
When forever is not enough
Nothing can tear us apart
To be at your side, whenever, wherever…
To be in your heart, whenever, wherever…

*lyric by homogenic

p.s. : always love his smile =)